Crew Application Form

Required fields !

Marital Status
Military Status
Do you smoke?
Do you use alcohol?
Passport Information  
Seamans Book Information  
Port of Registry Information  
Competency Information  
General Operator Certificate Information  
Medical Information  
Endorsement Information  
Clothes Information  
English Language Ability  
Computer Knowledge  
Personel safety and social responsibilty training
Designated security duties cert.
Personel survival tecniques training cert.
Fire prevention and fire fighting training cert.
Elemantary first aid trainning cert.
Certificate of proficiency in basic training for chemical tanker cargo operations.
Proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats
Security awareness cert.
Security - related familiarization cert.
Watchkeeping cert.
Certificate of proficiency in advanced training for chemical tanker cargo operations
Certificate of proficiency in advanced training for oil tanker cargo operations
Document of compliance for ship cooks
SEA EXPERIENCES  Please start from the last one  

Clarification Text of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data
This text is in the nature of an annex to the membership agreement and includes the clarification text regarding the Personal Data obtained with the contract and the express consent statement. In accordance with the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data, our DATA RESPONSIBLE company DENSA TANKER ISLETMECILIGI LTD. STI. It can save, classify, process, store, update the personal data (Name / Surname / e-mail / Telephone number / Address) of the person who submitted the application request for the opening of a membership account, obtained through this Membership Form, as the data controller, in cases permitted by the relevant legislation. and transfer it to third parties.

Personal data received from the person who submitted the application request regarding the ship personnel application form, fulfilling the contractual and legal responsibilities completely and accurately, creating special services for the personnel, creating visitor records, planning and executing the commercial cooperation, management and communication activities and strategies correctly, It can be processed for the purposes of managing the website, improving the services offered on our website and eliminating the errors that occur on the website.

The personal data obtained from the person who submitted the application request regarding the personnel application form shall be provided by the Company to the persons, institutions and/or organizations that are required and/or permitted by the provisions of the relevant law and other legislation, public legal entities authorized to receive the data, the Company's shareholders, employees, domestic It can be transferred to foreign subsidiaries, domestic/foreign persons, institutions, organizations and/or other third parties with whom it receives services and/or cooperates.

Personal data belonging to the person who submitted the application request for the personnel application form, by the Company's employees, domestic/foreign affiliates, cooperating persons, institutions and/or organizations, official institutions or other third parties, verbally, in writing or electronically, completely or completely. It may be collected by partially automatic or non-automatic means provided that it is part of any data recording system.

Within the framework of the information given to me above, I declare that I have given all the personal information I have given with my own consent, and that the personal data I have given will be used and recorded by the Company for the above-mentioned purposes and transferred to the country or abroad for these purposes, and that my personal contact information is stored and recorded within the terms of this consent declaration. and third parties, that I have learned all my rights, including my right to request information regarding the processing and protection of personal data, and that I have been informed that I can always exercise my rights in accordance with the Law by applying to the data controller.

I hereby confirm that all the information I have provided above is entirely accurate. I understand that providing false information may result in my dismissal. I also commit to performing the duties assigned by the Company in accordance with its policies and procedures. Also I've read the Clarification Text of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data and approved accordingly.